Steven Parke is an amazing photographer and artist who Digital Anarchy became friendly with about two years ago. It’s taken almost that long for us to show his amazing work in our online gallery. Busy lives.
Steven is using Flickr as his gallery medium these days, though he used to show a wider expanse of his work in a gorgeous website called Seems like he has his creative fingers in lots of stuff including commercial portraits, musician photos, CD covers. If you click around his People set, you will see a lot of interesting and even recognizable people. Steven is quite humble about his accomplishments. One of my favorite photos in this set is the lead singer for a band called MILKSHAKE!.
The work of Steven’s that I most appreciate is his self-produced graphic novel called Medusa’s Daughter. You can see that work on Flickr in his Medusa’s Daughter set and explained further in our online Digital Anarchy gallery.
We posted Steven’s work on our Primatte gallery a few months ago, but I want to call out his work. Just yesterday, I just stumbled upon the charming email that he sent to kickstart our relationship in 2007. The title of his email was “i’m SO glad for Primatte…..” and the body was simply a stunning image that he had composited with the help of Primatte Chromakey, our easy Photoshop masking plugin.
His email signature was a quote: “The mightiest of weapons is truth. And everyone knows you’re not permitted to enter a Government building with a weapon.” Which is witty and insightful, just like Steven’s photography. Enjoy!
regards -Debbie