Digital Anarchy NAB Plans and Free NAB 2023 Exhibits Pass Code

NAB is around the corner and it seems to be getting back to normal-ish. At least, my read on the buzz around it is that folks are a lot less tentative about it than last year. The show floor seems mostly full, so a lot more companies than last year will be there. It was great to see folks in person last year, so hopefully we’ll see more of you this year.

BUT! I’d really like to hear from all of you! So, as we’ve done the last couple years, we’d appreciate it if you’d let us know if you’re going to NAB or not. The survey is short… 3 required questions and some other questions/comments you can fill out if you’re so inclined. But only three are required, so it should take you about 30 seconds. We’ll pick two people from the folks that responded to win a plugin of their choice… to give you a bit of incentive to fill it out.

Anyways, fill out the survey and let us know if we’ll be seeing you in person or just following us online! Survey link:

We’ll be there in booth N1217 (next to Avid) showing off at least one new plugin and maybe even two new plugins! We’re doing the usual plugin mafia thing with Revision Effects and Left Angle.

If you’d like to join and need a free Exhibits Pass, the code is: LV98226 Register at

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