Another thought about NAB, on the subject of streaming video across the web and other platforms. Companies were talking a lot about tying in with Microsoft Silverlight. This is a web browser plugin that plays video and other media content through the web browsers without requiring other plugins. Does that make sense? Basically, Silverlight is supposed to get around browser and file format related issues to make it easier for all of us to view content.
At least, I think that’s what Silverlight does. Have to laugh because when I went to’s Silverlight section, the website couldn’t show me its content because I didn’t have Silverlight installed. Wouldn’t it be better if Microsoft showed me why I should WANT to install Silverlight before they require me to install Silverlight in order to read about it?
Ah well, I can always find Silverlight info on Wikipedia. There was also talk at NAB, and elsewhere on the web, about Adobe Flash coming to our TV’s soon. From
“Adobe is making a major push to bring its Flash platform to the living room, announcing a version of Flash that’s optimized for televisions, set-top boxes and Blu-ray players at the NAB Show in Las Vegas on Monday.”
And maybe, just maybe Flash will come to the iPhone. That is, if Apple and Adobe can decide who will yield first to the other company’s requirements. From The Apple Blog a few months ago:
“So far, nothing seems to have come of efforts to get the tech working on the device because Apple has qualms with the high demands of the full version of Flash, and doesn’t feel the Lite version offers enough muscle to merit inclusion… [I]t does seem like Adobe realises the importance of getting their product on the platform, and have decided to put in the serious development time required to produce something that matches Apple’s specifications.”
Happy Monday! -debbie
This got posted on the Smashing Apps website this last Saturday:
15 Excellent And Useful Microsoft Silverlight Tutorials & Resources