Frequent questions about PowerSearch

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Why do I need to Index?

PowerSearch is a search engine for Premiere Pro. All search engines need to analyze what they're searching in order to speed things up when you type something in, and PowerSearch is no different. Indexing allows us to scan the files in your Premiere project once and create a database with the information. That database is easier (i.e. faster) to search than if we had to go through all your files every time PowerSearch looked for something. Luckily you only have to do it once, so it's not too painful.

Do I have to Index my project every time I open it?

No! When you index the first time, PowerSearch automatically saves it. You just need to click Load from Save. If you add files to your project, you do need to click the '+' next to the items or at the top of the UI (the 'Add New Items' button). You'll need to also click the Save button after doing this.

How do I use transcripts from Trint?

If you're a Trint user, we have a great, short tutorial on how to get your Trint transcripts into Premiere in such a way that PowerSearch can search them.

How do I use transcripts from SpeedScriber?

If you're a SpeedScriber user, we have a great, short tutorial on how to get your SpeedScriber transcripts into Premiere in such a way that PowerSearch can search them. Did you know you can get transcripts for as low as .07/min with Transcriptive?

Using Clips with Speech Analysis data without Transcriptive.

SpeedScriber and some other services, including the builtin function in Premiere CS6, put the transcript in the Speech Analysis field. If you don't have Transcriptive to move that data from the clip to the sequence, PowerSearch will only find it in the clip. We hope to have a helper tool very soon that will make the data searchable in both clip and sequence.

Why do I get taken to two seconds BEFORE the search result?

This gives you a little context for your edit. Usually the searched word is not the first word in the sentence. So jumping to a couple seconds before the word, usually makes it easier to see if that's the clip you're looking for.

How do I see more text around the search result?

If you open the panel wider, you'll be able to see more text around the search term.

How do I edit text?

You can't edit text in PowerSearch, it's just a search tool. You can edit text in Transcriptive, in the Markers or Caption panels. You will need to re-index the footage you made the changes to or you can also re-index the entire project if you made a lot of changes.

Clip Markers and sequences?

Right now we don't know where a clip marker appears in a sequence. All we can do is display the clip marker result in the clip (Source panel). If you've used that clip in a sequence, PowerSearch won't display a search result for where it is in the sequence. We're working to find a workaround, but in 1.0, clip marker search results only appear for the clip.

How do I use transcripts from SimonSays?

If you're a SimonSays user, we have a great, short tutorial on how to get your SimonSays transcripts into Premiere in such a way that PowerSearch can search them. SimonSays uses markers, show the transcript is searched via markers.
