Get your FREE Backdrop Designer plugin

Create digital backgrounds for photography and other design mediums with Backdrop Designer. Pick from hundreds of premade digital backdrops or customize your own backgrounds. This Adobe Photoshop plugin creates beautiful resolution-independent backdrops, very similar to those expensive muslin drapes you may currently have in your photography studio.

Backdrop Designer comes with over 900 pre-made Photoshop digital backdrops. These pre-made colorful backgrounds get you quickly started with your design. Pick a Texture preset from an infinite variation of colors and patterns.

Backdrop Designer backgrounds are resolution independent. This means you can apply Backdrop Designer to a file of any pixel resolution. The digital backdrop will take on the physical dimensions and the pixel-based resolution of your Adobe Photoshop file. Whether you apply Backdrop to a 4 x 6 inch, 72 ppi file or to a 12 x 20 foot, 300 ppi file, your graphic will look sharp and color perfect.

To get the free plugin, go to our Registration Page, or keep on reading!

How Backdrop Designer for Photoshop Works

Backdrop Designer is all about presets, or pre-made patterns, that get you started fast. The beautiful digital backgrounds are generated by powerful algorithms that create natural looking backgrounds which can take on any resolution. The Backdrop Designer plugin has an easy-to-use interface. Using a few simple palettes, you can mutate the digital backdrop pattern, shift its color values, adjust the opacity of its shadows, even load in another Photoshop file.

Photoshop Tutorials for Backdrop Designer

The Backdrop Designer plugin is fun and easy to use. Create beautiful digital backdrops like muslin drapes, and use our tutorials to quickly get started with Backdrop Designer.

Want to watch from your desktop? Download all of the Backdrop Designer tutorials. There are 7 tutorials in this Zip file. (57 mb)

Or if you just want the individual manuals, find them here:

Quickstart Guide

DOWNLOAD the Quickstart Guide. This is a fast way to get started with the Backdrop Designer plugin.

Backdrop Designer Manual

DOWNLOAD the Backdrop Designer manual. If you've already read our Quickstart Guide, you can flip through the manual to find out additional info.

Add a shadow behind your subject

DOWNLOAD the manual. A shadow cast during a photography session usually doesn't look real in a composite. But once the person/object is digitally inserted against a new digital background, you can easily recreate a shadow in Photoshop.

This tutorial explains how to do it. LEVEL: MEDIUM

Here's the PHOTO FILES.

Create a full-length background

DOWNLOAD the manual. Suppose you have a model in a long dress. You want to place her in front of a new background in a natural way. To do this properly, you need to simulate the line of a floor or vanishing point.

In this tutorial, we show you how to create this floor simulation in Photoshop AFTER using Backdrop Designer. LEVEL: BEGINNER

Here's the PHOTO FILES.

Create realistic stained glass

DOWNLOAD the manual. Backdrop Designer does a great job of creating realistic cloth backdrops for all of your photographic needs. This plugin can be also used in conjunction with some of the tools in Adobe Photoshop to create great looking, life-like effects such as stained glass.

This tutorial shows you how. LEVEL: BEGINNER

Here's the PHOTO FILES.

Overview of the Photoshop background basics

This Photoshop background tutorial guides you through the basics of Backdrop Designer. It's fun and easy! LEVEL: BEGINNER

play tutorial (20.0 mb)

More basics of Backdrop Designer

Another example of working with Backdrop Designer. This Photoshop background tutorial also talks about using the custom shadow feature of the Bend Editor. LEVEL: BEGINNER

play tutorial (9.0 mb)

Speeding Up Backdrop Designer

Backdrop Designer can be a bit slow to render. In this tutorial Jim talks about techniques for speeding Backdrop up and getting your backdrops rendered out quickly. LEVEL: BEGINNER

Touch-up tricks for Photoshop backgrounds

This background tutorial gives an example of how to spice up your new backdrop, with a simple use of Adobe Photoshop's Lighting filter. LEVEL: MEDIUM

Register to Download your FREE Backdrop Designer plugin

Ready for your FREE Backdrop Designer plugin? Click HERE to get it!
