Keyboard Shortcuts are a huge part of Transcriptive and can make working in it much faster/easier. These are for Transcriptive 2.x/3.x. If you’re still using 1.x, please check the manual.
Ctrl + Space: Play / Stop
Undo: Ctrl + Z (Mac and PC)
Redo: Ctrl + Shift + Z
MAC USERS: Mac OS assigns Cmd+Z to the application (Premiere) and we can’t change that.
Editing text:
Ctrl + Left Arrow – Previous Word | Ctrl + Right Arrow – Next Word
Merging/Splitting Lines/Paragraphs:
Ctrl + Shift + Up OR [Delete]: Merge Line/paragraph with line above.
Ctrl + Shift + Down OR [Enter}: Split Line/paragraph into two lines.
(These behave slightly differently. ‘Control+Shift+up’ will merge the two lines together no matter where the cursor is. If you’re trying to combine a bunch of lines together, this is very fast. [Delete] uses the cursor position, which has to be at the beginning of the line to merge the lines together.)
Up or Down Arrow: Change Capitalization
Ctrl + Backspace: Delete Word | Ctrl + Delete: Delete Word
Ctrl + Up: Previous Speaker | Ctrl + Down: Next Speaker
Editing Video (Clip Mode only):
Control + i: Set In Point in Source panel
Control + o: Set Out Point in Source panel
Control + , (comma): Insert video segment into active sequence (this does the same thing as , (comma) in the Source panel)
Control + u : Clear In & Out Points (necessary for sharing)